The Nubia Civilization


Civilization in the real sense of the word, refers to advancement in people's way of life, positive changes that brings about new inventions to aid in the daily activities of man and make life easier for all. The civilization of the land of Kush is about the way the people of Nubia adapted to community life after the stone age of wandering and gathering and their contributions to mankind. With their different skills and occupation, they were able to create an identity for themselves.

According to Prof P.O. Erim in her book, "Aspects of African Culture", civilization is an advanced culture characterized by effective learning and extensive use of writing. There are various civilizations found in the southern Sahara of Africa, but this research is focused the Nubia Civilization, also known as civilization of the land of Kush.

Civilization in sub Sahara Africa began in the land of Nubia. The prehistory of Nubia dates back to Paleolithic age around 300,000 year ago, when the people of ancient Nubia formed the kingdom of Kerma, located at the centre of the Nile valley which originally inhabited southern Sahara. The Egyptian conquered and enslaved its people, however at the decline of Egypt, Nubia broke away from Egyptian rule and formed an independent Kingdom called Kush, with its capital in Napata but later moved to Meroe after they were defeated by the Assyrians.

The earliest civilization of Ancient Nubia started from the formation of Kerma, down to the kushite independent rule. This civilization came as a result of the goldmines in Nubia hill, and the large deposit of iron ore in the region of Meroe. The Kushite warriors invented holes and plows for farming, and iron weapons to boost their military strength. They were well known in archery skills which earned them the name, "Ta-seti" meaning, "land of bows".

The Nubian rulers including females were often buried with archery equipments. They built small sleepy slopped Pyramids as tombs for their Kings and buried their personal belongings for safekeeping.

The Nubians were also known for building white sand stone temples and monuments. Their source of food was agriculture and they grew crops ranging from yam, rice, beans, grains etc. Their lands had fertile soil and received yearlong rainfall, so the Nubians didn't rely on the Nile to flood. 

The Nubians also traded with countries far and wide, and they copied some of Egyptian civilization, like the Egyptian method of writing, but discarded the hieroglyphic system and rather invented a more sophisticated way of writing using an alphabet.

Contributions Of Nubian Civilization

🔸 Invention of alphabets for writing

🔸 Invention of iron arrow head for archery through the iron ore found in their region.

🔸They were known for archery skills which earned them the name, "Ta-seti _ land of bows" Their hunters and warriors were highly skilled in archery

🔸They invented Pyramids as tombs for their Kings

🔸They built white sand stone temples and monuments

🔸They had a rich terrible soil due to continued rainfall and practiced agriculture

🔸They were involved in trade and mining which earned them wealth

🔸The Nubian hills was among the richest gold bearing area known to the ancient world

🔸Nubian capital city Meroe contained rich deposits of iron ore.

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