Afraid Of Losing Someone

 Fear of losing oneself if you attempt to please everyone around you should take precedence over fear of losing friends. Make them a memory and leave a mark on their life if they give you the option. In the story of your life's journey, everyone you encounter has a role to play. Some have completed their journey with you; others may take a chapter; still others may take a paragraph; and the majority will be little more than marginal notes. others enter your life as advantages, others as hindrances, and some as lessons. Every person you encounter in life teaches you something; some of these lessons are painful, while others are beneficial. Regardless of their nature, all lessons are priceless and serve a vital purpose.

Nothing is working against you. Recognize that everyone who has and will come through is a part of the grand design. Lessons learned must be retained because you don't study for exams when they're being given; rather, you study for them in advance.

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