Dear married couples,

This letter of mine is a proof of my concern about your present marital condition. May you find peace after reading this letter. I was reminded two days ago by my dairy that you have been married for 10 years now and no child is forthcoming. I can imagine how it will feel when couples get married and have no children afterwards. I can imagine how it will feel when your friends visit you frequently or sporadically with their own kids. I can imagine how it will feel when people, directly or indirectly, laugh at you simply because you have no children of your own.

I can imagine how it will feel when parents or family members rain abuse and insults on both of you for not being able to produce a child. But despite all these, I want you to note that it is not your fault because it is only God who gives children. Acknowledge this fact and have peace.

Another important reason why I deemed it necessary to write you this letter is because of the way both of you are treating each other lately because of your childless condition. Obviously, the love you both once shared is declining, diminishing, or depreciating rapidly with each passing day because of your childless condition. I overheard your neighbours saying that both of you engaged in a loud quarrel yesterday, with your voices echoing through the roof, blaming each other for being responsible for your childlessness.

At the risk of being misunderstood by either of you, I want to boldly tell you this: God's original intention for the introduction of marriage was not for the purpose of procreation. According to Genesis 2:18, basically, the purpose of marriage is for companionship. Know this, and have peace in your home. Abraham and Sarah perhaps knew that marriage, basically, is for companionship, and so they maintained the love they had for each other and waited patiently upon the Lord to bless them with a child. Both of them were aware that it is only God who gives children.

If Abraham had maltreated Sarah for their childlessness, I presume she wouldn't have obeyed and submitted in marriage to the point of calling him "lord". A similar case is the story of another childless couple, Zechariah and Elizabeth. Time and write-up space will fail me to analyze their story.

Where is that first love you had for each other the very moment you both turned 'ON' companionship mode in your first year of marriage? Where is that love that bonded you together? Where is that love that convinced both of you to be together for a lifetime? Where is that love?

Please endeavour to activate that love once again. Even God, whom you are expecting to bless you with a child, is called "love". Please attract His love into your home by repenting of your recent behaviours towards each other.

Take note of this: Marriage is for companionship. God, who gives children, will bless you with them in His own timing. But if He doesn't, He knows why and knows better. The angel Gabriel will not send you to hell for not being able to give birth to a child, but you will not be allowed to enter heaven if you maltreat your spouse badly on the ground of your childless condition.

May God change your mindsets and also visit you with a child in no distant time. Amen.

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